S 5 Maps Updates

S5Maps has a one click Upgrade process.

  1. Log into SageCRM as an Administrator.
  2. Click on
  3. Click on
  4. You will see if everything is up to date.
  5. You will see if your S5Maps Version needs updating.
  6. Just click on the link and S5Maps will download the latest version and download the Component for you.
  7. Install the Component from the Component Manager in SageCRM.

All of your links will now point to the new Version of S5Maps.

Note: a new folder in the Custom Pages folder of your SageCRM install is created for every update.

Note: If you have added custom images to the \CustomPages\s5mapsV20##R#.#\images\markers folder. You will need to copy them to the new version folder. As described here